Restaurants serving Onam Sadya in Trivandrum - 2015

It's a been a long time since I have been in Trivandrum during Onam. So, this August, I'm extending my stay in Trivandrum to be here during Onam festivities. One thing I still relish is the road side illumination, shopping spree of people and to be a part of the Onam crowd. Already, electronic stores, textile shops and restaurants has started their pre-onam buzz. Offers, discounts, sale, are few ways how sales pickup during Onam time. 2017 Update List of restaurants serving Onam Sadhya 2016 update - Here's the list of restaurants serving Onam feast Hotels providing Onam Sadya in Trivandrum 1) Biverah Hotel Trivandrum Biverah Hotel, Kumarapuram, Trivandrum Call - 8069000603 to reserve your seat Onam Sadhya rate- Rs 299 12:00 - 3:PM Payasam - Rs 170 - 180 2) Imperial Kitchen Imperial Kitchen Rate: 279/- for Onam Sadhya From 21 to 31st August For reservation and details, call 0471 2311 789, 2311 798 3) Onam Payasam at Indian Coffee House, Spenser Jn, ...