Restaurants serving Onam Sadya in Trivandrum -2016

Onam Sadhya in the Capital City Onam Sadhya - Top 10 Finalists in Trivandrum 2018 Update List of restaurants serving Onam Sadhya It's Onam frenzy in the state capital. The places around East Fort area in Trivandrum are packed with scores of last minute Onam shoppers. It's a sight to see the rush in shops like Ramachandra Textiles, Pothy's Super market, Civil Supplies depot in East Fort, vegetable market in Chalai market, and of course the packed gold shops. Close to these shops are the road side cloth sellers who attract sizable bargain hunters. Apart from these stores, home appliances stores are making big bucks and attracting scores of people. What is Onam without Onam sadhya? It's the feast of feasts for Malayalees. Onam Sadya served on a banana leaf is a traditional feast which has over 12 to 18 items or more, depending the preparation. However, these days nobody has the time, patience or energy to prepare all these dishes in their kitchen. The trend these days ...