
Showing posts from May, 2017

Pineapple Cupcake Delight

While the Sun Sizzles We're in the midst of another blazing summer. With each passing year, sun seems inching closer to us and breaking previous year's hot weather record. It's the occasional evening rain in B'lore that gives us some respite from dust and heat. But, these intermittent shower is like water sprayed on a hot dosa stove - it just fizzles away.  Summer Specials - Swalpa Adjust Madi   With summer, most people head to closer places like Oooty, Coonoor and Yercaud. Well, the Facebook updates of people says it all.  So, how do you plan to escape the blunt of summer? How do you prepare yourself physically and mentally?. One way to cushion the impact of heat is by drinking more cups of water, or juice and eating fruits. If you're working in a cubicle, keep a bottle close at hand. For those who're at home have the liberty of making curd milk or drink chill lassi. I have a curd milk recipe on my blog for those looking for a simple and easy to-do curd milk. T...