Sardine Curry Day in Bangalore

Sardine Fry, Mezhukkupuratt and Moru Curry for Lunch
Fish Stall in Domlur  ( NLP Fish Stall)
From sea to fish stall and then to mud pot 

Fish Curry -  ( Sardine Curry)

Red Fish Curry - Kerala Style
Fish soaked in water ( Before de-scaling work)
Sardine Curry, Kerala Style

Are you like me - a devoted sardine fish fan? Well, I was not a born fish lover, but I acquired the taste recently, especially after my marriage with this fishy person. At first, I could hardly stand the smell of fish, and sardine been the worst in the list.

But, with time, my taste buds are attuned to fish rather than all kinds of meat.

As we buy sardine on a regular basis, it's also a challenge to make different types of curry or fry - from fiery red fish curry to meen peera ( Fish cooked with coconut).

Here are few tips on sardine cleaning and preparation:
  • Soak the fish in water. This helps in easy descaling
  • Use rock salt to remove the fish slime. Some people use lime or vinegar.
  • Use kitchen scissors to slice a part of the stomach area  
  • Try to use mud pots for making fish curry. It taste more earthy. 
  • Experiment with different tangy material ( I use tamarind, sometimes raw mango, etc)
Variations in cooking sardines

I often think of making different types of curry, but mostly I end up doing red fish curry or some close variation to it. Well, it's easy to stick to the same old recipe, but I know it's important to try new  recipe. Next, time I attempt a new dish, I'll share it on the blog.

Till then, keep enjoying sardines!


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