Cream Cheese Swirled Red Velvet Brownie

Red Velvet Brownie

Bite Sized Red Velvet Brownies

This version of red velvet brownie has the characteristic features of red velvet cake and brownie. It's rich, dense and  this cake mingles the flavors of cream cheese along with the dominant chocolate flavor.

Typically it's cut into square shape. When its cut into heart shapes, it would a perfect gift during valentine's day or it could be gifted during Christmas season.


Butter                                 113 gms  ( ½ cup)
Sugar                                 1 cup
Vanilla                                1 tsp
Cocoa                                 ¼ cup
Salt a pinch
Red Color                           1 tbsp
Vinegar                               1 tsp
Eggs                                    2
Flour                                    ¾ cup
Walnut                                 ¼ cup

Cream cheese Layer

Cream cheese      1 cup   
Sugar                      ¼ cup
Egg                        1
Vanilla essence        1/8 tsp


1. Melt butter and and transfer to bowl
2. Add sugar, vanilla, cocoa, salt color and vinegar in that order
3. Whisk the egg in a bowl and stir into cocoa mix
4. Fold the flour gently and stir in walnuts
5. Pour the batter in the pan by saving ¼ cup

Cream Cheese
1. Blend together cream cheese, sugar, egg and vanilla in a bowl.
2. Gently spread the cream cheese layer on top of the brownie batter in the pan.
3. Dollop the remaining brownie batter over the cream cheese.
4. Using  a skewer or knife drag the tip through the cream cheese mixture to create a swirl pattern
5. Bake the brownies for 30 mts in 180 degree.

 Try this recipe, or make some innovation to this recipe and let me see your finished goodies in the comments box._


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