Floral Delight Trivandrum

Arranging flowers in the morning can give a sense of quiet in a crowded day - like saying a prayer. #happymonday .
Picked up some flowers,leaves, stones and twigs from #mygarden and made a wild flower arrangement. #flowerarrangement
Leaves, ivy and bloom from the backyard 

All set - Lilly, roses, filler flowers 

At work 

Three arrangement Taught in the Class

Flower arrangement is both an art and a science.

Whether you want to arrange flowers at home or for a party, this class will give you a great foundation on the technical tricks of flower arranging as well as composition, color, and design.

This class will cover the basics of floral design, and the technical tricks of flower arranging and conditioning. Also, You’ll also learn the underpinnings of great floral design including color, symmetry, composition and design.

You’ll make three types arrangment in the class -
1. Mass arrangement
2. Shallow
3. Tall arrangment

The class will also cover the basics like the shops to buy, how to select the right flowes, flower cutting and tricks for helping them last longer.

Carry home the must-know tips and don’t miss the tips for prolonging the life of your flowers with pre-arranging treatments.


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