Mom's 70th Birthday Celebrations
My mom loves blue. She loves white roses and lilies and, most of all, she really loves her family, so wanted to bring them together. My youngest brother Martinand Saritha Nippani Gomez couldn't make it and missed them for the celebration (he is her favorite son
still feed him when he comes home after work)

I had so much fun bringing all of her favorites things together to celebrate her 70th birthday. My mom is a women with so much of talent and creativity , what I am today is just because of her and I am not even 10 percent of what she is. I have learned all the basics from her like cooking, baking, flower arrangement, painting, tried my hands into stitching but it's not my cup of tea.
Yes, I call my Mom blessed! She is the best Mom in the World as she turned 70 years young. We celebrated her birthday on 17th Jan 2018 it was an awesome time of get together with her family and friends, were three of my cousins Linu Ajith, Rina Roynold Gomez and Beena Pereira got her the favorite dishes for the dinner and my brother Marvin Stephen Gomezand wife Renjitha Gomezcooked her favorite dish Mee goreng(Malaysian noodles) and I tried to replicate her wedding cake which was a 5 tier and was made by her dad on her big day. I made a small version of 3 tier, wish my grand father was there to see the Cake
One thing my mom used to tell me was to look to the other side, and know that my present is not going to be everything. So if I'm having a bad day, she says, 'Just imagine tomorrow. This is going to be over. This is going to be done with.'
Wishing you good health and many more Birthdays Mom
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